Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Roll em' Roll em' Roll em'

CVS trips week of September 7, 2008

Lots of free and cheap deals at CVS this week. Also, this post is called Roll em' because I rolled my ECBs over and over this week and I'm not done yet. Here is how it went:

Transaction 1: Had to be done on Sunday or Monday

3 Loreal Nail Polish $11.97

-$2 off Revlon
-$2 off Revlon
-$1 off Revlon (I forgot the other $2 one at home :(
-$2 off $10 CVS purchase
-$2 ECB

Total OOP:$3.86

ECB's earned: $9.00!!!

ouch this was a lot, but I'm trying to help my husband get his CVS card going (wink wink)

Transaction #2:

1 Rightguard Clinical Strength $6.99

1 Loreal Face Wash $5.99


-$1 Loreal face wash

-$1 Right Guard

-$2 off $10 CVS purchase

-$9 ECB from transaction 1

Total OOP: $0.14

ECBs earned: $10.99

Transaction #3

3 Fiber one 2 pack bars $1.47 (Fille, I got a sample of these in the mail, taste pretty good)

1 Right Guard Clinical Strength $6.99

1 Loreal face wash $5.99

2 Gold emblem almonds $1.98


-$1 Loreal face wash

-$1 Right guard

-$2 off $10 purchase

-$2 off Gold emblem nuts

-$2 CVS coupon (I'm not sure what this was, maybe a mistake, maybe this is why I needed filler at the last minute)

-$8 ECB

Total OOP: $0.43

ECBs earned: $10.99

Transaction #4:

3 Right guard deoderant $8.97

2 bags gold emblem almonds $1.98

-3 $1 off Right guard

-$2 Gold Emblem nuts

- $5.99 ECB

Total OOP: $0.04

ECBs earned: $6.00

Transaction #5:

3 Right guard deoderant $8.97


-3 $1 off right guard

-$5.99 ECB

Total OOP: $0.22

ECBs earned: $6.00

Summary: Total OOP: $4.69 ECBs spent: $13.15 ECBs earned:$42.98

Want to see more CVS savings? Visit the "Cents"ible Sawyer's CVS Superstars!...


Sabrina said...


I am new to the blog world but see you are in SoCal as well...wondered if you had any luck finding a cvs with those fla*vor*ice marked on clearance?? Also do you know if theres a blog group for CA?


Julie Avery said...

wow - 5 transactions - your brave! I'm way too chicken to do more than 3. Do you do Walgreens too? I'm just getting started with it...wish me luck tomorrow with the $10 off $40. :)