Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Free Dentastix at Ralphs!

Ralphs has Dentastix priced at $4.59

Use the $2.50 off Dentastix coupon from the 4/19 Red Plum.

Go to shortcuts.com and load the Dentastix $2.50 coupon onto your Ralphs card.

You will have around 4o cents of overage to use towards something else that you need. Unfortunately you can only do this deal once.

**Are you new to shortcuts.com?? Go to the website and register your Ralphs card. Then you can load coupons on to your card. When the cashier scans your card, the coupon will come off automatically.

Go get some Dentastix Nanny, if your dogs don't like them give them to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok Lisa I signed up on Shortcuts.com and added Dentastix I will see if my dogs will like them, If not you can have them ok....love you